
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

SL3 - Fire - with Magnesium Fire Starter / Whistle

The tool Logic SL3 - Fire - with Magnesium Fire StarterWhistle / Knife is an excellent addition to your gear.  It is well built and is a true three-in one, saving on bulk and weight.  The knife has a sturdy clip for securing to clothing or a strap on your pack.  The knife body is made of a dense plastic that has a good solid feel.  This is one of my survival gear items and is one of my must haves where ever I go.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Water Proof Bible, Sportsmans Edition

As I go on my adventures, I have missed reading my Bible.  After a little surching, I found some water proof Bibles, but throw out the idea of packing light.  This Bible is almost the equivilent in weight of one gallon of water.


Now here is an original idea.  Made in America and functional.  SurvivalStraps offer a wide range of useful multi purposed items.  Their basic idea is a bracelet, belt, sling... that un-ties into many feet of 550# paracord.  The para cord can then be used in a pinch to get you out of a jam.